Toolbar group

The Toolbar group organizes the features in eight tabs:

Drawing Toolbar

Drawing Toolbar

Drawing commands:

Draw points

  • Point Point: Draws a single point object at a specified location.
  • Points Points: Draws multiple point objects.
  • PointCloud Point Cloud: Creates a set of vertices from point objects.

Draw Lines and polylines

Draw Curves

Curve Tools

  • Offset Curve Offset: Copies a curve parallel at a specified distance from the original curve.
  • Chamfer Chamfer: Creates a line segment between two curves and trims or extends the curves to meet it.
  • Fillet Fillet:Adds an arc between two curves and trims or extends the curves to the arc.
  • Match Match: Changes a curve end to meet another curve or surface edge with a specified continuity.
  • Extend Extend: Extends a curve by its natural extension to a boundary or point.
  • Rebuild Rebuild: Reconstructs curves, surfaces, and extrusion objects to a specified degree and control point number.
  • Symmetry Symmetry: Mirrors a copy of a curve.
  • Curve Boolean Curve boolean: Trims, splits, and joins curves based on their overlapping regions.
  • Hatch Hatch: Draws a pattern of lines to fill bounding curves.
  • Superhatch Superhatch: Draws a textured surface to fill bounding curves based on a bitmap repetition.
  • Picture Picture: Draws a rectangular planar surface with a bitmap texture.

Modeling Toolbar

Modeling Toolbar

Modeling commands:

Surface Creation

  • Surface Surface: Draws a surface from specified corner points.
  • Plane Plane: Draws a rectangular planar surface.
  • Plane: 3 points Plane, 3 points: Draws a rectangular planar surface from three points.
  • PlanarSrfPlanarSrf: Creates a planar surface from planar curves.
  • EdgeSrfEdgeSrf: Creates a surface from two, three, or four curves.
  • NetworkSrf NetworkSrf: Fits a surface through a network of crossing curves.
  • PatchPatch: Fits a surface through curves and point objects.
  • LoftLoft: Fits a surface through profile curves that define the surface shape.
  • SweepSweep: Fits a surface through a series of profile curves that define the surface cross-sections and one curve that defines a surface edge.
  • RevolveRevolve: Create a surface by revolving a profile curve around an axis.

Solid Creation

  • BoxBox: Draws a solid box.
  • PyramidPyramid: Draws a pyramid.
  • Truncated PyramidTruncatedPyramid: Draws a pyramid whose apex is truncated by a plane.
  • CylinderCylinder: Draws a polysurface cylinder.
  • ConeCone: Creates a surface cone.
  • Truncated ConeTruncated Cone: Draws a cone whose apex is truncated by a plane.
  • TubeTube: Draws a closed cylinder with a concentric cylindrical hole.
  • TorusTorus: Draws a torus (doughnut shape).
  • PipePipe: Creates a surface, polysurface, or extrusion object with a circular profile around a curve.
  • SphereSphere: Draws a solid sphere.
  • Extrude CurveExtrude Curve: Creates a surface by tracing the path of a curve in a straight line.
  • Extrude SurfaceExtrude Surface: Creates a solid by tracing the path of the surface edges in a straight line.
  • PushPull PushPull: Extrudes a polysurface face to interactively add or remove volumes on the polysurface.

Surface Tools

  • Offset SrfOffset Srf: Copies a surface or polysurface so that locations on the copied surface are the same specified distance from the original surface.
  • Chamfer SrfChamfer Srf: Creates a ruled surface as a bevel between two input surface edges.
  • Fillet SrfFillet Srf: Creates a constant-radius round surface between two surfaces.
  • Rebuild SrfRebuild Srf: Reconstructs selected curves or surfaces to a specified degree and control point number.
  • Symmetry SrfSymmetry Srf: Mirrors a copy of a surface.
  • Planar UnionPlanar Union: Merges overlapped planar surfaces into a single surface.
  • Planar DifferencePlanar Difference: Selects two overlapped planar surfaces and creates a surface from the first surface with the overlapped area trimmed off.
  • Planar IntersectionPlanar Intersection: Creates a surface from the overlapped area of two planar surfaces.

Solid Tools

Curves from objects

  • ProjectProject: Project curves/points toward a construction plane to intersect a surface, polysurface or mesh.
  • PullPull: Moves curves and points toward the normal direction of a surface, mesh or polysurface to find intersections.
  • DupEdgeDupEdge: Create a curve that copies a surface edge.
  • DupBorderDupBorder: Create a curve or polyline that copies a surface, polysurface, or mesh border.
  • DupFaceBorderDupFaceBorder: Creates a curve that copies a polysurface face border.
  • IntersectIntersect: Create point objects or curves at the intersections of curves and surfaces.

Terrain Toolbar

Terrain Toolbar

Terrain commands:

  • Earth Data Earth Data: Scans a terrain from the cloud and imports it as a textured mesh or a terrain object.
  • Import DEM Import DEM: Uses the data from a DEM file to import it as a terrain object.
  • Import GIS Import GIS: Uses the data from a .shp file to import it as a terrain object.
  • Elevate Curves Elevate Curves: Elevates curves every certain distance in order to be used to build a terrain.
  • Terrain Terrain: Creates a mesh by lifting a surface from 3D curves, contour lines or point clouds.
  • Add Contour Add Contour: Adds a new input data to an existing terrain.
  • Terrain Pick boundary Pick boundary: Specifies a closed curve to define a terrain boundary.
  • Terrain Divide Divide: Divides the terrain into two parts using a closed curve.
  • Terrain Add Hole Add Hole: Adds a hole to an existing terrain from a closed curve.
  • Terrain Add Cut and Fill Add Cut and Fill: Generates cuts and fills in the terrain from a closed curve.
  • Terrain Add Path Add Path: Modifies the terrain geometry in order to place a path in it.
  • Volume of Earthmoving Volume of Earthmoving: Informs about the total amount of volume from cuts and fills applied on a terrain.

Vegetation and Hardscape Toolbar

Vegetation and Hardscape Toolbar

Vegetation and hardscape commands:

Vegetation Tools

  • Plant Database PlantDatabase: Opens the plant species Database.
  • Plant Plant: Inserts a specimen of the selected species from the Database.
  • Plants Paint Plants Paint: Inserts an array of multiple plants along the path where you hover the mouse pointer.
  • Plant from Points Plant from Points: Inserts a plant in the location of the selected points.
  • Plant from Blocks Plant from Blocks: Replace a block instance with the selected plant from the Database.
  • Plant Row Plant Row: Inserts the selected plant species along a path curve.
  • Plant Row Plant Row: Inserts the selected plant species along a path curve.
  • Forest Forest: Inserts the selected plant species inside a boundary curve.
  • Shrub Shrub: Inserts a specimen of the selected shrub species from the Database.
  • Groundcover Groundcover: Fills an area with the selected plant species.
  • Topiary Topiary: Wraps any geometry with the selected plant species.
  • Tag Object As Plant Tag Object as Plant: Tag a selected object as a plant.

Civil Work Tools

  • Wall Wall: Inserts a wall by defining its thickness, height and path curve.
  • Fence Fence: Inserts a customized fence along a path curve.
  • Stair Stair: Inserts a customized stair along a path curve.
  • Ramp Ramp: Inserts a ramp by defining its slope and path curve.
  • Path Path: Inserts a path by defining its section profile and path curve.
  • Library Urban Furniture: Inserts the selected furniture from the block library.
  • Row Row: Inserts a row of the selected element along a path curve.

Irrigation Toolbar

Irrigation Toolbar

Irrigation commands:

  • Sprinkler Sprinkler: Inserts a sprinkler.
  • Sprinkler Array Sprinkler Array: Inserts an array of sprinklers that covers a specific area.
  • Pipe Pipe: Draws a pipe by connecting sprinklers or using a selected polyline.

Documentation Toolbar

Documentation Toolbar
  • Zonify Zonify: Creates a surface entity that displays the information (name and square meter) of an area in the model.
  • Level MarkLevel Mark: Draws an elevation mark as a reference point to determine height or elevation on the plan.
  • Slope Slope: Draws an annotation leader with arrowhead displaying the slope of a selected path.
  • Dimension Dimension: Allows the dimensioning of plants, civil work elements and other entities from a specific coordinate origin point on the plan.
  • Plant Shadows LaPlantShadows: Creates a shadow effect under the vegetation species in 2D plan views.

Listing Tools

  • List PlantsPlant List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing plant species in the model.
  • List Library Blocks Urban Furniture List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing urban furniture blocks in the model.
  • List Fences Fences List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing fences in the model.
  • List Walls Wall List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing walls in the model.
  • List Paths Path List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing paths in the model.
  • List Zones Zoning List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing zonified areas in the model.
  • List Sprinklers Sprinkler List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing sprinklers in the model.
  • List PipesPipe List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing pipes in the model.
  • List Terrains Terrain List: Inserts a table displaying the information of the existing terrains in the model.
  • Export List Export List: Exports the selected list to .xls (Excel) and .html format.

Labeling plants Tools

  • Plant Photo Plant Photo: Creates a label with an image loaded from the cloud, and draws a leader pointing to the referenced plant.
  • Plant Label Plant Label: Inserts a customized label displaying the information of the selected plant in the model.
  • Plant Label Linking Plant label Linking: Inserts a customized label displaying the information of a group of plants selected in the model.
  • Label Label: Opens RhinoLands Database.
  • Section Section: Create a plane that hides objects.

Annotation tools

Create Layouts

Visualization Toolbar

Visualization Toolbar

Viewport windows

  • Maximize Viewport Maximize Viewport: Maximizes the active viewport inside the RhinoLands application window.
  • 4Viewports 4Viewports: Sets up a four-viewport workspace.
  • 3Viewports 3Viewports: Sets up a three-viewport workspace.

Set view

  • Top View Top View: Sets the active view to look at the Top.
  • Front View Front View: Sets the active view to look at the Front.
  • Back View Back View: Sets the active view to look at the Back.
  • Left View Left view: Sets the active view to look at the Left.
  • Right View Right view: Sets the active view to look at the Right.
  • Perspective View Perspective view: Sets the active view to look at in Perspective.
  • Set Viewpoint Set Viewpoint: Sets the camera viewpoint from the viewer and target position.
  • Walk ModeWalk Mode: Lets you walk through the project using the keyboard and mouse buttons.

Display Modes

  • Wireframe Wirwframe: Sets the active viewport to display wireframe mode.
  • Shaded Shaded: Sets the active viewport to display shade mode.
  • Rendered Rendered: Sets the active viewport to display rendered mode.
  • Hidden Hidden: Sets the active viewport to display hidden mode.
  • Conceptual Conceptual: Sets the active viewport to display conceptual mode.
  • Realistic Realistic: Sets the active viewport to display realistic mode.

Rendering Tools

Select Toolbar

Select Toolbar
  • Select All Select All: Selects all objects.
  • Select None Select None: Deselects all objects.
  • Select Invert Select Invert: Deselects all selected objects and selects all visible objects that were not previously selected.

Select drawing and modeling objects

  • Select Curves Select Curves: Selects all curves.
  • Select Points Select Points: Selects all point objects.
  • Select Point clouds Select Point clouds: Selects all point cloud objects.
  • Select Hatches Select Hatches: Selects hatch objects.
  • Select Meshes Select Meshes: Selects all meshes.
  • Select Surfaces Select Surfaces: Selects all surfaces.
  • Select Polysurfaces Select Polysurfaces: Select all polysurfaces.
  • Select Block Instances Select Block Instances: Select all block instances.

Select vegetation and hardscape objects

  • Select Plants Select Plants: Select all plant objects.
  • Select Plant Row Select Plant Rows:Select all plant row objects.
  • Select Forests Select Forests: Select all forest objects.
  • Select Shrubs Select Shrubs: Select all shrub objects.
  • Select Groundcovers Select Groundcovers: Select all Groundcover objects.
  • Select Topiaries Select Topiaries: Select all topiary objects.
  • Select Urban Furniture Select Urban Furniture: Select all Urban Furniture blocks.
  • Select Rows Select Rows: Select all row objects.
  • Select Walls Select Walls: Select all wall objects.
  • Select Fences Select Fences: Select all fence objects.
  • Select Stairs Select Stairs: Select all stair objects.
  • Select Ramps Select Ramps: Select all ramp objects.
  • Select Paths Select Path: Select path objects.
  • Select Terrains Select Terrains: Select all terrain objects.
  • Select Sprinklers Select Sprinklers: Select all sprinkler objects.
  • Select prinkler Arrays Select Sprinkler Arrays: Select all Sprinkler array objects.
  • Select Pipes Select Pipes: Select all pipes objects.
  • Select Zones Select Zones: Select all zone objects.
  • Select Lists Select Lists: Select all list objects.
  • Select Plant Photos Select Plant Photos: Select all plant photo objects.
  • Select Plant Labels Plant Labels: Select all plant lebels.
  • Select Labels Select Labels: Select all label objects.