Terrain Pick Boundary

Where can I find this command?
Terrain pick Boundary left click
Lands Design:
Terrain commands
Or, Menu > Terrain Modeling > Terrain > Pick Boundary
Edit Panel:
Select a terrain > Edit area in Edit Panel > Terrain > Pick Boundary

Specifies a closed curve to define the terrain boundary.

When the Delaunay triangulation algorithm is used without a grid, the limits of the terrain surface correspond to those of the triangulation obtained. When the terrain is generated by lifting the grid points, the limits of the terrain surface will be determined by the minimum rectangle that contains the plan projection of all input curves and points.


  1. Pick a terrain.
  2. Select a closed curve to define the new terrain contour.
Existing terrain
Existing terrain with the curve to define the new boundary
New terrain boundary
Terrain with the new boundary in the Top viewport
New terrain contour
Terrain with the new boundary in the Perspective viewport

The new boundary can be removed using the Terrain Remove Boundary laTerrainRemoveBoundary command or from the Terrain Edit area of the Edit panel and Properties dialog, under the Input data tab, after selecting the terrain.