Lands Design toolbars work the same way as Rhino toolbars:
- You can drag them to any part of the screen or dock them to the edge of the screen.
- You can customize them by adding buttons to them or removing buttons from them.
- Hover the mouse over a button to display a tooltip with the name of the commands that can be selected with a right or left-click.
- Some buttons (shown with a small triangle on the lower right corner) are linked to other toolbars with drop-down buttons.
Hold down the left mouse button on the icon to display the toolbar linked to a button.
Hover the mouse over an icon to display its tooltip:
Plant icon tooltip (left-click)
Main Toolbars
Lands Design arranges the toolbars in 4 tabs by default:
Lands Design
It includes all Lands Design commands in one single tab.
Lands Objects
Vegetation commands:
Civil Work commands:
Terrain commands:
Lands Documentation
Irrigation commands:
Listing commands:
Plant Label commands:
Documentation commands:
Plant shadows:
Lands Tools
Other tools commands:
- Convert to 2D
- Convert to 3D
- Edit Panel
- Animation Panel
- Plant Database
- Image Filters
- Set Viewpoint
- Walk mode
Secondary Toolbars
Lands Plant
Commands to insert plants:
Lands Terrain
Commands to create and edit terrains:
- Terrain
- Pick boundary
- Add Inner boundary
- Add Contour
- Add Hole
- Add Cut and Fill
- Add Path
- Divide
- Volume of Earthmoving
- Import Earth Elevation Data
- Import DEM
- Import GIS
- Elevate Curves
Lands Listing
Listing commands:
- Plant List
- Library Blocks List
- Fence List
- Wall List
- Path List
- Terrain List
- Zone List
- Sprinkler List
- Pipe List
- Export List
Lands Plant Label
Plant Label commands:
NoteIf toolbars are not automatically displayed after installing Lands Design or don't appear on the screen, they can be loaded manually by using the same method used to load Rhino toolbars: type Toolbar on the command line and open the Lands Design.rui file, which is located in the following directory:
Rhino 7 and 8: C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Roaming\AsuniCAD\Lands\Rhinoceros (64-bit)\UI