
Lands Design toolbars work the same way as Rhino toolbars:

  • You can drag them to any part of the screen or dock them to the edge of the screen.
  • You can customize them by adding buttons to them or removing buttons from them.
  • Hover the mouse over a button to display a tooltip with the name of the commands that can be selected with a right or left-click.
  • Some buttons (shown with a small triangle on the lower right corner) are linked to other toolbars with drop-down buttons.

Hold down the left mouse button on the icon to display the toolbar linked to a button.

Hover the mouse over an icon to display its tooltip:

Tooltip from Plant icon
Plant icon tooltip (left-click)

Main Toolbars

Lands Design arranges the toolbars in 4 tabs by default:

Lands Design

It includes all Lands Design commands in one single tab.

Lands Design All Toolbar

Lands Objects

Lands Objects toolbar

Vegetation commands:

Civil Work commands:

Terrain commands:

Lands Documentation

Lands Documentation toolbar

Irrigation commands:

Listing commands:

Plant Label commands:

Documentation commands:

Plant shadows:

Lands Tools

Lands Tools toolbar

Other tools commands:

Secondary Toolbars

Lands Plant

Plant commands

Commands to insert plants:

Lands Terrain

Terrain commands

Commands to create and edit terrains:

Lands Listing

Listing commands

Listing commands:

Lands Plant Label

Plant Label commands

Plant Label commands:


If toolbars are not automatically displayed after installing Lands Design or don't appear on the screen, they can be loaded manually by using the same method used to load Rhino toolbars: type Toolbar on the command line and open the Lands Design.rui file, which is located in the following directory:

Rhino 7 and 8: C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Roaming\AsuniCAD\Lands\Rhinoceros (64-bit)\UI