Drawing Objects

Drawing commands are found in the Drawing Toolbar.
The geometry produced by these commands can include points, lines, or curves.

Lines and curves Lines and curve creation.


Point objects are the simplest entities, marking a single point in 3D space. They can be positioned anywhere in space and are most often used as as placeholders.

  • Point Point: Draw a single point object at a specified location.
  • Points Points: Draw multiple point objects.
  • PointCloud Point Cloud: Create a set of vertices from point objects.

Lines and polylines

A line is formed by a succession of points that create a continuous stroke. Line objects are degree 1 curves with no bends.

A polyline is a series of line or arc segments joined together; it can be open or closed.

  • Polyline Polyline: Draw a series of joined line segments.
  • Rectangle Rectangle: Draw a rectangular closed polyline with options for starting.
  • Polygon Polygon: Draw a closed polyline with a specified number of sides.


Free-form curves

Free-form curves in RhinoLands are NURBS curves. A NURBS curve is defined by its order, a set of weighted control points, and a knot vector.
RhinoLands offers a variety of methods for creating free-form curves.

  • Curve Curve: Draw a curve from control point locations.
  • Interpcrv InterpCrv : Fit a curve through picked locations.
  • Sketch Sketch : Drag the mouse to draw a curve.

See: Wikipedia: Non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS).

Conic-section curves

Conic section curves are formed by the different intersections between a cone and a plane, as long as the plane does not pass through the vertex.
RhinoLands commands allow drawing specific conics, which are degree 2 curves. An arc is a segment of a circle.

Conic-section curve examples (left) Circle, (right) Ellipse.
  • Circle Circle: Draw a circle from center and radius, diameter, points on the circumference, or circumference length.
  • Ellipse Ellipse: Draw a closed elliptical curve from focus points, center and edges, bounding rectangle, or around a curve.
  • Arc Arc: Draw an arc with options for center, start, angle, and direction.