
Where can I find this command?
Copy left click

The Copy command makes duplicates of the selected objects.

Copy objects


  1. Select the objects.
    If the selected objects are in a group, a new group is created from the copied objects. The copied objects are not added to the original group.
  2. Pick a point to copy from.
  3. Pick a point to copy to for each copy.
  4. Press Enter to end the command.
Copy Copy object.

Command-line options

Duplicates the object vertical to the current construction plane.

Duplicates the object into the same location as the original.


    Yes: Uses the point the last object was copied to as the base point.

    No: Uses the first base point as location to copy from.


    Yes: Places the next copy at the same distance from the base point as the last copy.

    No: Allows a new distance for the next copy.


    Yes: Places the next copy at the same angle from the base point as the last copy.

    No: Allows a new direction for the next copy.

Copy objects using the Gumball

Use the Gumball arrows to make a copy of the selected objects in the x, y, or z direction.

  • Drag with Alt the x, y, or z arrow to make a copy of the objects in the arrow direction.