
Where can I find this command?
BlockManager left click

The BlockManager command opens the Block Definitions panel for managing the block definitions in the model.

Block manager panel Block manager panel

1. Layer Toolbar line

  • Add block definition Creates a new block definition: Creates a new block definition from objects in the model as what the Block command does.
  • Filters Filters: Filter the block list to adjust the visibility of the blocks in the panel.
  • Search Search box: Enter a text string to filter items in the list.
  • Tools Options menu: Drop-down a menu with other list visibility options for the listing.

2. Blocks list

List all the blocks contained in the file. Right-click on a block definition name to show the context menu.

Block definition context menu

  • Select Instances Select Instances: Selects instances of the selected block definition in viewports.
  • Insert Insert: Inserts the block definition to viewports as block instances.
    Or, you can drag and drop a block definition into a viewport.
  • Rename Rename: Edits the block definition name.
  • Delete Delete: Deletes the selected block definition and all of its instances in the model.
    Block definitions nested in another block definition cannot be deleted.
  • Duplicate Duplicate: Makes a new copy of the selected block definitions.
  • Update Update: Reloads the external file to see the latest changes.
    The icon appears behind the block definition name when the linked block is out of date.
  • Count/Info Count/Info: Lists the details of the selected block definition in the Block Instance Info dialog box.
  • Export Export: Saves the block definition's component objects to one of the file formats supported by Rhino.

2. Selected block properties


  • Name: The name of the block definition.
  • Pop out: Brings up a larger and resizable Block Definition Properties window..
  • Description: Displays the text information of the block definition.
  • Preview: The preview image of the block definition.
    Right-click to change the display mode or view direction.


(Embedded block definitions only)

  • Block units: The units of the block definition. If you change the Block units, you will be prompted if you want to scale the block definition.

Definition Type

  • Embedded: Saves geometry in the model. The block definitions will not update when the external file changes.
  • Embedded and Linked: Saves geometry in the model and maintains a link to the external file. Linked geometry will update when the external file changes. If the external file cannot be located, the geometry saved in the model is still available.
  • Linked: Only maintains a link to the external file. Linked geometry will update when the external file changes.
    If the external file cannot be located, the geometry will be missing in the model.


Adds hyperlink information to a block definition. This information can be retrieved with the Hyperlink command.

  • Description: A description of the URL.
  • URL: A web address. Click the address to open the page in the default browser.
  • Linked: Opens the URL in the default web browser.