
Where can I find this command?
Array left click

The Array command copies objects spaced in columns, rows, and levels in the x, y, and z directions.

Array objects


  1. Select the objects.
    The array directions are the x, y, and z directions of the active construction plane.
  2. Type the number of copies in the x direction, and press Enter.
  3. Type values of 1 or more for the number of copies.
  4. Type the number of copies in the y direction.
  5. Type the number of copies in the z direction.
  6. Pick the corners of a rectangle that defines the unit cell (x and y spacing) distance.
  7. Pick the height of the unit cell, or press Enter to use the width distance.
    Or, specify the distances for the x spacing, y spacing, and z spacing.
  8. Press Enter to accept the array or change the options.
Array Array object.

Command-line options

Specifies the number of objects in the array.

    XNumber / YNumber / ZNumber
    Changes the number of objects in the x, y, and z directions.

Displays a dynamic preview. You can change the options and the preview will update.

Specifies the spacing between objects in the array.

    XNumber / YNumber / ZNumber
    Changes the spacing in the x, y, and z directions.

Array Polar

Where can I find this command?
Array Polar left click

The ArrayPolar command copies objects around a central location.


  1. Select the objects.
  2. Pick the center of the array.
    The rotation axis for the polar array is the z direction of the active construction plane at the chosen point.
  3. Type the number of items and press Enter.
  4. Enter a value of 2 or more.
  5. Type the angle to fill.
    Copies of the selected objects appear, rotated around the axis defined by the center point.
Array Polar Polar array object.

Command-line options

Defines an axis line for the array to rotate around.

Axis steps
  1. Pick the start of polar axis.
  2. Pick the end of polar axis.
    The action is similar to the Rotate3D command.
    Press Enter to rotate the array around the construction plane z axis.

Uses the previously selected axis direction for the rotation.

Displays a dynamic preview. You can change the options and the preview will update.

Enter the angle between objects.

Step angle
StepAngle=20 (left) and StepAngle=35 (right).

Rotates the objects as they are arrayed.

Rotate=No (left) and Rotate=Yes (right).

Moves each arrayed object in the z direction by the value specified.

Rotate=No (left) and Rotate=Yes (right).
  • Type a negative value to offset objects in the negative CPlane-Z direction.

  • Array along curve

    Where can I find this command?
    Array along curve left click

    The ArrayCrv command copies objects spaced along a curve.


    1. Select objects to array.
    2. Select a path curve near the end where you want the array to start. Or, use the Basepoint option.
    3. Specify the number of elements to array or the spacing distance along the curve.
    4. Enter a value of 2 or more.
    5. Type a value of 1 or more for the number of elements.
    Array along curve Array object along curve.

    Command-line options

    When the object to be arrayed is not on the curve and should be moved to the curve prior to the array, the Basepoint option establishes a reference location that will be move to the curve.

    The number of items array along the curve.

    The distance between items. The number of items is determined by the length of the curve.

    Think about an airplane. An airplane may Roll, Pitch, or Yaw when it flies in the air. The orientation styles control how the object rolls, pitches, or yaws when it arrays along a curve.

    Roll rotates around the x-axis.
    Pitch rotates around the y-axis.
    Yaw rotates around the z-axis.

    The object does not roll, pitch, or yaw. It is only copied to different locations on the curve.

    No Rotation

    The object rolls, pitches, and yaws at the same time along the curve.


    The object pitches and yaws but does not roll. The y-axis (green) is always parallel to the CPlane of the selected viewport.


    The object only yaws. The x-axis (red) and y-axis (green) are always parallel to the CPlane of the selected viewport.
