Visualization commands are found in the Visualization Toolbar.
The visualization commands provide control over how the model looks and is presented, both in the workspace and in the production of final images.
Viewport windows
Maximize Viewport: Maximizes the active viewport inside the RhinoLands application window.
4Viewports: Sets up a four-viewport workspace.
3Viewports: Sets up a three-viewport workspace.
Set view
Top View: Sets the active view to look at the Top.
Front View: Sets the active view to look at the Front.
Back View: Sets the active view to look at the Back.
Left view: Sets the active view to look at the Left.
Right view: Sets the active view to look at the Right.
Perspective view: Sets the active view to look at in Perspective.
Set Viewpoint: Sets the camera viewpoint from the viewer and target position.
Walk Mode: Lets you walk through the project using the keyboard and mouse buttons.
Display Modes
Wireframe: Sets the active viewport to display wireframe mode.
Shaded: Sets the active viewport to display shade mode.
Rendered: Sets the active viewport to display rendered mode.
Hidden: Sets the active viewport to display hidden mode.
Conceptual: Sets the active viewport to display conceptual mode.
Realistic: Sets the active viewport to display realistic mode.
Rendering Tools
Render: Renders the objects using the current renderer.
Render Preview: Renders the current viewport in the Render window with a rough quality for a fast preview.
Open Last Rendering: Opens the last rendering image file.
Image Filters: Applies multiple filters to the rendered images.