Elevate Curves

Where can I find this command?
Terrain left click
Lands Design:
Terrain commands
Or, Menu > Terrain Modeling > Elevate Curves

This command elevates curves every certain distance in order to be used to build a terrain.

After running the laElevateCurves command, the Elevate Curves dialog will appear.


  1. Define the Elevate Curves parameters in the dialog:
    • Start dimension: Elevation of the first curve to elevate.
    • Increment. Incremental distance among the contour curves to elevate.
  2. Click on the Draw line button and draw a line in the model that intersects with the contour curves to elevate.
  3. Click on the Invert checkbox to invert the order in which the curves are elevated.
  4. Click on the Apply button and close the dialog.
Elevate Curves Dialog
Elevate Curves dialog