The Revolve command creates a surface by revolving a profile curve that defines the surface shape around an axis.
Revolve curve
- Pick the start of the revolve axis.
- Pick the end of the revolve axis, or press Enter to use CPlane-Z direction.
- Specify options.
Command-line options
Specifies to create a NURBS surface or SubD.
Deletes (Yes) or keeps (No) the input object.
Revolves the input curve 360 degrees as a shortcut for specifying 360 degrees as the revolve angle.
Revolves the input curve 360 degrees as a shortcut for specifying 360 degrees as the revolve angle.
- Yes Allows setting the angle (a degree away from the current input curve location) the revolve will start.
- No Starts the revolve from 0 (the input curve location).
This option is only available when Output=Surface.
- Yes The surface is rebuilt in the revolving direction to a degree-3 non-rational surface. Specify how many points in that direction. Deformable revolves can be deformed smoothly with point editing.
- No The resulting revolved surface is an exact revolve: a rational surface with fully-multiple knots at the quadrants. This kind of surface is not easy to deform smoothly by point editing.
Specifies the number of control points in the revolving direction when Output=Surface and Deformable=Yes.
Specifies the number of faces in the revolving direction when Output=SubD.
Revolves tangent points on the input curve into joined edges (Yes) or creases (No) when Output=Surface.