Rebuild Surface

Where can I find this command?
Rebuild surface left click

The Rebuild command reconstructs selected curves or surfaces to a specified degree and control point number.

Rebuild surface


  1. Select surfaces to rebuild.
  2. Click Preview to see what the rebuilt surfaces will look like.
  3. When you are satisfied with the results, click OK.
Rebuild Surface Rebuild surface

Rebuild Surface options

Rebuild surface options Rebuild options dialog box for surfaces

Point count

Reports in parentheses the current number and sets the number of control points in the result.

Every surface is roughly rectangular. Surfaces have three directions, u, v, and normal.
The u and v directions are like the weave of cloth or screen. The u-direction is indicated by the red arrow, and the v direction is indicated by the green arrow. The normal direction is indicated by the white arrow. You can think of u, v, and normal directions as corresponding to the x, y, and z of the surface.

  • U Reports the current number and sets the number of points in the u direction.
  • V Reports the current number and sets the number of points in the v direction.


Reports in parentheses the current number and sets the degree in the u direction.

Point count and Degree values change automatically to fulfill the minimum requirement of Point count = Degree + 1. For example, when Point count=4 and Degree=3, reducing Point count also reduces Degree; increasing Degree also increases Point count.

  • U Reports the current number and sets the number of points in the u direction.
  • V Reports the current number and sets the number of points in the v direction.


  • checkboxDeleteInput Deletes the original geometry.
  • checkboxCurrent Layer Creates the new surfaces on the current layer. Clear this checkbox to place the new surfaces on the layer of the original surfaces.
  • checkboxRetrim Trims the rebuilt surface with the original trimming curves.

Span counts

  • U Reports in parentheses the minimum number of spans and the proposed number of spans in the u direction.
  • V Reports in parentheses the minimum number of spans and the proposed number of spans in the v direction.

Maximum deviation

The maximum deviation from the original surface.

  • Calculate
    The calculation tests how far away the new surface is at knot line intersections and half-way between knot lines. Conducts tests at knot line intersections and halfway between knot lines.
    The display color indicates how far away the new surface is from the original. Points are green if the surface is within absolute tolerance, yellow if it is between tolerance and 10 times tolerance, and red if it is farther away than that.