Push and Pull

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Duplicate face border left click

The PushPull command extrudes a polysurface face to interactively add or remove volumes on the polysurface.

Push or Pull surfaces


  1. Select a surface.
    • Curves lying on the surface can be detected for finding regions.
    • Use the Invert option to swap the selected and unselected regions.
    • Click on a region to toggle its selection state.
  2. Move the mouse to decide the extruding direction and distance.
    • The preview color changes to red if the operation is going to remove a volume from the object.
    • To enter a distance, the mouse cursor location is the positive direction.

Command-line options

Swaps the selected and unselected regions.
The Invert option is only available when the selected surface has curves lying on it that divide the surface into three or more regions.

The Mode option is only available when extending is possible that is when all the surrounding surfaces are planar.

  • Extrude: Extrudes the selected surface without extending or shortening the surrounding surfaces.
  • Extend: Extends or shortens the surrounding surfaces when extruding the selected surface.
    Extend or extrude
    Extrude (left) , Extend (right)

Switches the operation mode between Extrude and Extend.

Defines the direction by picking two points or typing two coordinates.
The default direction is the normal direction of the selected surface.