
Where can I find this command?
Project left click

The Project command moves input objects (points or curves) in the defined direction toward the target objects (Surface or polysurface) to find the intersection.

Project objects


  1. Select curves and points to project.
  2. Select the target object.
Project a curve
  • You can select all the projection objects and target surfaces before starting the command.
  • The curves are projected vertical to the construction plane that is active when the surface selection is completed.
  • If the projection misses the selected surfaces and polysurfaces, a curve will not be created. Make sure the correct construction plane is active when you select the surfaces.
  • The Pull command will suck the curve back toward the surface by closest points. The Project command will not work in situations where you want to pull a curve onto a cylinder when the curve goes most of the way around the cylinder. Use the Pull command in this case.
  • The Project command creates complex curves that can be simplified with the Rebuild command. You will need to be careful with the Rebuild command and use enough points to keep the curve trimmable.
  • The Project command can be faster than Extrude followed by Trim or Split.
  • Smooth projection curves create smooth trim curves. Basic shapes like ellipses, circles, lines, and free-form curves work well for projection curves.

Command-line options

Projects edit points toward the specified direction onto the surface. Loose projection will fail if the result wraps to the other side of the target surface.

Deletes (Yes) or keeps (No) the input object.

Specifies the layer for the results of the command.

  • Current: Places the results on the current layer.
  • Input: Places the results on the same layer as the input.
  • TargetObject: Places the results on the same layer as the target surface.

Specifies the direction for the projection. These settings are saved during your editing session.

  • CPlaneZ: Projects objects in the construction plane z direction.
  • View: Projects objects in the view direction.
  • Custom: Pick two points to specify the projection direction.