Offset Surface

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Offset Surface left click

The OffsetSrf command copies a surface or polysurface so that locations on the copied surface are the same specified distance from the original surface.

Offset surface


  1. Select a surface or polysurface.
  2. Type the offset distance, and press Enter.
Offset surface
Offset surface
  • Positive values offset in the direction of the arrows. Negative values offset the other way.
  • When a plane, torus, sphere, open cylinder, or open cone surface is offset, the resulting surface is exact. Free-form surfaces are offset to within the value of the Tolerance option.
  • The output object adopts the rendering material from the input object.

Command-line options

Sets the offset distance.

Specifies how offset corner continuity is handled. These options only apply if the offset direction is to the "outside" as shown in the image.

  • Sharp Curves offset to the outside of a corner will be extended to meet at sharp corners with position (G0) continuity.
  • Round Curves offset to the outside of a corner will be filled with arc segments with tangent (G1) continuity.

Offsets through a picked point instead of at a distance.

Makes a closed solid from the input and offset surfaces by lofting a ruled surface between all of the matching edges.

Loose (Surfaces only)
The control point structure of the offset surface is identical to the original surface.

Sets the tolerance for the offset surface. Type 0 to use the default tolerance.

Draws the offset on both sides of the original.

Deletes (Yes) or keeps (No) the input object.

Flips the offset direction of all selected surfaces. Arrows indicate the positive offset direction.