Move Edge

Where can I find this command?
Move edge left click

The MoveEdge command moves a polysurface edge.

Move an edge


  1. Select edges.
  2. Pick a point to move from.
  3. Pick a point to move to.
Move edge Move edge
  • The surrounding joined surfaces are adjusted to accommodate the new face shape and orientation.
  • All adjusted faces must be either planar or easy to stretch (extruded surfaces in the direction of stretch).
  • Holes in the adjusted faces generally do not move or stretch.

Command-line options


  • None No restriction to direction.
  • FirstFaceNormal Restricts movement to the normal direction of the first face selected.
  • SecondFaceNormal Restricts movement to the normal direction of the second face selected.
  • AverageFacesNormal Restricts movement to an average of the normal directions of the first and second faces.
  • Vertical Restricts movement vertical to the construction plane.