
Where can I find this command?
Sprinkler left click
Lands Design:
Irrigation commands in Documentation toolbar
Or, Menu > Irrigation system > Sprinkler

Sprinklers are essential elements in the watering installation in a landscape project.

Insert a sprinkler

After running the laSprinkler command, the Sprinkler insert dialog box will appear. This dialog shows the basic options in a single tab.


  1. Select the Sprinkler parameters. Click OK to close the dialog.
  2. Select the sprinkler insert point with a left-click on the desired point.
  3. Specify the sprinkler orientation manually with the cursor. Click again to insert a new sprinkler or...
  4. Press ENTER, ESC or right-click to end the command.
Insert dialog box for the Sprinkler object.
Insert dialog box for the Sprinkler object

Control points Control Points

The Sprinkler object has a single control point at the center of the object.

To turn a Sprinkler object control point on, run the PointsOn command (or press F10) and select the Sprinkler object. To turn its point off, press the ESC button or run the PointsOff command.

Control point on a Sprinkler
Control point on a Sprinkler

Insert options and parameters

The Sprinkler object insert options and parameters are divided in different tabs, and are available from different dialogs:


General attributes for the Sprinkler object: Name, Color and Layer.


  • Type: there are four types of sprinklers:
    • Sprinkler Sprinklers: the sprinklers have a range of over 6 m., meaning that they spurt water 6 meters in front of them, depending on the pressure level or the type of nozzle used.
    • Sprinkler Diffusers: these are similar to sprinklers but smaller. They spurt between 2 and 5 meters, depending on the pressure and the nozzle used. They are used to water narrower zones.
    • Sprinkler Water turbines: appropriated for medium sized areas which are long and narrow.
    • Sprinkler Watering nozzles: water point screwed into the ground or in a manhole
  • Description: field aimed to add notes about the sprinklers.
  • Symbol: 2D drawing used to represent the sprinkler units inside the array area. Click on the Browse... button to load a 2D block from the Lands Design library, or from any other directory.
  • Symbol width: size of the sprinkler symbol.
  • Radius: radius size of the circle around the sprinkler insert point.
  • Sweep angle: this value can go from 0 to 360º. The circle around the sprinkler insert point will be drawn partially or totally according to the given angle.

Edit options

These are the edit options for the sprinkler object, available in the Edit area of the Edit panel:

Sprinkler graphical display

Sprinklers are represented as 2D block references and a circle around it. There are some blocks available in the Lands Design library: C:\ProgramData\AsuniCAD\RhinoLands\Rhinoceros (64-bit)\Blocks\Sprinklers\.

To create a custom display for the sprinkler graphical display, create the custom drawing in an empty document, placing its center point on the document origin coordinates. Save the file in the desired location.