
Where can I find this command?
CPlane iconleft click

The CPlane command sets the origin and orientation of the construction plane in the active viewport.

Set Cplane


  1. Pick a new origin point or choose an option.

Command-line options

The construction planes in all viewports change so their origin is at the picked location.

The Curve option sets the construction plane perpendicular to a curve.

Curve steps:

  1. Select a curve to orient construction plane.
  2. Drag the construction plane's new x and y axes to a new location.

The Elevation option changes the elevation (z direction) of the construction plane.

Elevation steps:

  1. Pick a new elevation.
    Or,Type a distance to move the origin from its previous location.

The Gumball option sets the construction plane to match the gumball orientation of the currently selected object.

The Object option sets the construction plane in the active viewport to an object.

Object steps:

  1. Select a curve, or surface.
    The origin and tangency of the new construction plane is based on the "midpoint" of the untrimmed version of the surface

The Rotate option rotates the construction plane.

Rotate steps:

  1. Pick the start of the rotation axis.
  2. Pick the end of the rotation axis.
  3. Type the angle to rotate the construction plane. Or, pick two points to specify the angle.

The Surface option sets the construction plane to match a surface. The placement is constrained so that the construction plane is tangent to the surface.

Surface steps:

  1. Select a surface.
  2. Pick an origin or press Enter.
  3. Pick an x axis direction or press Enter.

Surface options:

  • Flip: Reverses the direction.
  • IgnoreTrims: Uses entire untrimmed underlying surface.

Moves the construction plane in the current viewport in its z direction, so its xy plane intersect the selected point.

Through steps:

  1. Pick a location to move the CPlane in its z direction.

Through options:

  • All: Moves the construction planes in all viewports in their z directions, so their xy planes intersect the selected point.

Sets the construction plane in the active viewport parallel to the view.

View steps:

  1. Click View or type V.

Restores the specified default construction plane.

World steps:

  1. Specify an option (World Back, Bottom, Front, Left, Right or Top).

The 3Point option sets the construction plane in the active viewport by specifying points to establish the x, y, and z directions.

3Point steps:

  1. Pick a new origin, or press Enter.
  2. Pick the x axis.
  3. Pick the y axis.

3Point options:

  • Vertical: Sets the construction plane perpendicular to the current construction plane.
  • ZAxis: Sets the construction plane z axis direction.

Restores the previously used construction plane in the current viewport.

Undo steps:

  1. Click Undo or type U.

Restores the construction plane that was active before the Undo option was used.

Redo steps:

  1. Click Redo or type D.

To Restore default world coordinate plane:

  1. Activate the custome view you want to restore.
  2. Start the CPlane command.
  3. Select "World", or type "W" on the commands prompt line.
  4. Choose the custom view you are currently in.