Standard Bar

The Standard bar contains commands for manage the file and navigate through RhinoLands working environment.

Standard bar Standard bar

Many toolbar icons have a second command that you can access by right-clicking the icon. The tooltip that appears when you hover over the icon tells you what the left and right mouse button do.

Standard bar commands:

Manage the file

  • Start Start: Drop down file options. Most quick access commands are located in the bar itself.
  • New New: Create a new model based on a template.
  • Open Open: Open an existing model file.
  • Save Save: Save the current model.
    • Save as Save as: Save selected objects to a new file.
  • Print Print: Print the current viewport or layouts.
  • Document Properties Document Properties: Manage the settings for the current model.
  • Cut Cut: Delete objects and place them in the Clipboard.
  • Copy Copy: Copy objects to the Clipboard.
  • Paste Paste: Insert objects from the Clipboard.
  • Undo Undo: Undo the last action.
  • Redo Redo: Reverse the last Undo.

Navigate in the graphics area

  • Pan Pan: Shift the location of the view camera and target parallel to the view plane.
  • Zoom Dynamic Zoom Dynamic: Zoom the view as you drag the mouse.
  • Zoom Zoom: Move the viewport camera so the area defined by a window selection fills the viewport.
  • Zoom Extents Zoom Extents: Zoom the view to show all objects.
    • Zoom, All Extents Zoom, All Extents: Zoom the view to show all objects in all viewports.
  • Zoom Selected Zoom Selected: Zoom the view to show all selected objects.
    • Zoom Selected, All Viewports Zoom Selected, All Viewports: Zoom all viewports to show all selected objects.
  • Undo View Undo View: Undo the last view change.
    • Redo View Redo View: Reverse the last Undo View.
  • CPlane CPlane: Set the construction plane in the active viewport.
  • Selected All Select All: Select all objects.
    • Invert selection Invert Selection: Deselect all selected objects and select all previously unselected objects.
  • Select by object type Select by object type: Access the quick access dropdown for selection commands by object type.
  • Hide Objects Hide: Conceal objects from view.
    • Show Objects Show: Redisplay all hidden objects.
  • Lock Lock: Lock objects so they cannot be selected for editing.
    • Unlock Unlock: Unlock all locked objects.
  • Toogle 2D/3D Toogle 2D/3D: Switch between the 2D and 3D representation of Lands objects.

More about Viewport navigation.

Other commands

  • Manage License License manager: Visualize or manage the licenses.
  • Grasshopper Grasshoper: Open the Grasshopper plug-in window.
    • Grasshopper Player Grasshopper Player: Load and execute a grasshopper definition without showing the Grasshopper window.
  • Options Options: Open options dialog.
  • Help Help: Open the current RhinoLands Help guide.