Properties: Shut Lining (Render mesh modifier)

The Shut lining properties construct a shut-line (parting line) display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.


  1. Select objects to shut line and press Enter.
  2. Select curves that define the shut line and press Enter.
  3. Press Enter to apply shut lining.
  • A shut line is the clearance gap between two adjacent surfaces such as between the door opening and body panel of an automobile or where a lid fits into the body of a tea kettle.
  • Shut Lining settings appears as an object property of the surface.
  • Surfaces inside blocks cannot be selected.

Curve piping properties

Turns the shut lining on and off.


Specifies the names of the shut lining curves on the selected surface.

Adds additional shut line curves.

Removes curves from shut line process.

Curve properties

Specifies the thickness of the shut line radius. The radius is the measured from the curve to the surface of the shut line.

Specifies the thickness of the shut line radius. The radius is the measured from the curve to the surface of the shut line.

  • RoundGroove Displays the shut line as a round groove.
  • Filleted Displays the shut line as a filleted groove.
  • SharpGroove Displays the shut line as a sharp groove.
  • Pull curve to object Curves are pulled onto the object before making a shut line.
  • Raised Raises the profile instead of making an indented line.

checkbox Faceted
Toggles between smoothly shaded shut line and a flat-shaded shut line.

checkbox AutoUpdate
All changes to Shut Lining settings are instantly applied to object. Clear the check box to make multiple changes without having to wait for shut lining process to finish.

Note: Render mesh modifiers are applied in the following order:

  1. Curve Piping
  2. Thickening
  3. Edge Softening
  4. Shut Lining
  5. Displacement