Properties: Safe Frame

The Safe Frame shows the area of the viewport that will be rendered in the active viewport. If parts of the rendered view are off-screen, the safe frame will indicate this by displaying arrows either at the top and bottom or left and right. In addition, several safe-frame areas can be added to show the extent of commonly used zones in the image. The sizes of these zones can be customized.

Safe frame is useful when rendering resolution is set differently form the active viewport.


Show in active view
Enables and disables safe-frame display.

Perspective views only
By default, the safe-frame display only shows in perspective views. Clear this check box to also show the frames in parallel views.

Live area
Shows the size of the rendered view as a yellow frame in the viewport.

Action area
Shows a user-specified action area frame in blue. Set the percentage of the screen that will be used.

Use the same scale for X and Y.

Use different scales for X and Y.

Title area
Shows a user-specified title area frame in orange. Set the percentage of the screen that will be used.

Use the same scale for X and Y.

Use different scales for X and Y.


Show 4x3 field grid
Divides the live area into a 4 by 3 grid, commonly used for production rendering and film work.