Properties: Edge softening (Render mesh modifier)

The Edge softening constructs an edge-softening display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.

Edge softening
Box object with edge softening applied.


  1. Select objects to apply edge softening to.
  2. In the Properties panel, click the Edge Softening button.
  3. Specify the edge softening properties

Edge Softening properties

Enables edges softening.

Specifies a softening amount. The visual radius approximation depends on the density of the current render mesh. Use the Properties Render Mesh Settings to adjust the mesh density.

The edge will be cut straight across with a hard edged chamfer. No attempt is made to soften this into a rounded edge.

The object, including the edge softening effect will be shaded as faceted.

Edge Threshold (degrees)
Softens the edge when the angle between the normal directions of two adjacent faces is greater than this setting.
In the example below, the edge will be softened only if Edge threshold is smaller than 42.46°.


CheckboxForce Softening
Forces the softening in cases where too large a softening radius might prevent softening to take place.

Note Render mesh modifiers are applied in the following order: