Properties: Block Instance

The Block Instance properties manage the transform settings of the selected block instance.

Block Instance Properties Block Instance properties panel


Block definition list
Lists all the block definitions in the model.

Note: To replace a block instance select a different block definition from the list.

Add objects tob lock Add objects to block (For embedded blocks only)
Add objects to the block definition referenced by the selected block instance.

Make unique Create unique block definition
Duplicate the block definition referenced by the selected block instance. The block instance will refer to the new block definition.


Edit the position, rotation, and scale values of the block instance.

The X, Y and Z coordinates of the block insertion point in the World coordinate system.

The rotation angles around the X, Y, and Z axes

The scale factors along the X, Y, and Z axes.

Pick location Pick location
Pick a new insertion point in the viewport, or enter the CPlane X, Y and Z coordinates.