Named Views panel

The NamedView panel manages the named views list to save, restore, and edit named views.

  1. Toolbar line
  2. Named view list
  3. Options
Named views panel Named views panel

1. Named view Toolbar line

  • Save as Save as: Saves the current viewport as a named view.
  • Restore Restore: Regenerates the selected named view.
  • Delete Delete: Removes the selected named view from the list.
  • Import from 3dm file Import from 3dm file: Imports named views from a 3DM file.
  • Create Using Widget Create Using Widget: Adds a new named view by locating its target and camera points in the viewport.
  • Properties Properties: Opens the Named View Properties dialog box.
  • Duplicate Duplicate Makes a copy of the selected named viewport.
  • Edit by looking Edit by looking Opens a new temporary viewport where you can use viewport navigation tools to reset the view.
  • Move Up Move up: Move the selected layers up in the list.
  • Move down Move down: Moves the selected item down in the list.
  • Animation Animation: Animates the restoration of named view. When you change to a different named view, the view transitions smoothly from the current view to the selected named view. This allows you to see the transition and can also be used to build presentations.

2. Named view list

List all the saved views in the file, showing their name and thumbnail.

Thumbnail actions

  • Right-click a thumbnail to display the thumbnail context menu.
  • Double-click on the thumbnail to set the saved view as the active viewport view.
  • Drag and drop to a different position in the list to reorder.
  • Drag and drop with Ctrl to a blank area to make a copy.


checkbox Auto-update thumbnails
Updates the thumbnail view when objects are changed, added, or deleted from the viewport.

checkbox Restore aspect ratio
Updates the aspect ratio of the viewport to the aspect ratio of the original named view.

checkbox Show named view widget
Turns the widgets on and off for all selected named views.

checkbox Lock named view
Locks the widget so it cannot be changed by moving, dragging, or using Edit by Looking.
Enable this option to protect a named view from being overwritten.

checkbox Auto-select named view widgets
Turns the widgets on and off for all selected named views.