The laTerrainConsolidateElevationData command allows you to consolidate elevation data for the terrain, which is especially useful when working with terrains that contain a large number of points (such as those generated from DEM files). Consolidating the terrain saves time by eliminating the need for the software to recalculate triangulation each time the model is edited. This option is designed to optimize performance in complex or large-scale projects, making it an effective choice for managing extensive elevation data.
- Select the terrain from a viewport.
- Select the Elevation data node from the selection list of the Edit panel.
- Click the Consolidate option in the Edit area of Edit panel.
Once the elevation data is consolidated, editing it becomes disabled, and it is hidden from the list. To restore it, select the terrain and click on Revert Consolidation in the Edit area of the Edit panel to regain access to the input data.