Keyboard Commands

In addition to the toolbars and menus (drop-down and context menu), Lands Design commands can be run by typing the command name in the command line.

Lands commands start with the prefix la followed by the command name. When you type the prefix (la), the command line will display a list of all Lands Design commands.

To run a command from the command line, simply type the command name. The autofill feature shows all command options that start with the letters you just entered. Finally, click to select the command from the command list.

The command line also shows the prompts and options of Lands Design commands in brackets, as in Rhino:

  • The prompts are messages that guide you in a command, allowing you to execute an action or enter information.
  • The command options change depending on the command functions. They offer alternative ways of using commands.

To enable an option, click on the option, or type the option name or shortcut letter (underlined) on the command line.

To end a command, press ENTER.