
Where can I find this command?
Offset left click

The Offset command copies a curve so that all locations on the copied curve are a specified distance from the original curve.

Offset curves


  1. Select a curve or edge.
  2. Click on one side the curve.
Offset curve
Offset curves

For best results, use proportionately small offset distances and smooth curves; otherwise, you may get kinks and doubled-back curves.

Command-line options

Sets the offset distance.

Sets the offset distance.

  • Yes Offsets a curve by moving its edit points.
  • No Offsets the curve shape within the Tolerance setting.

Specifies how corners are handled when they are offset to the "convex" side as pointed out in the image.

  • Sharp Curves offset to the outside of a corner will be extended to meet at sharp corners with position (G0) continuity.
  • Round Curves offset to the outside of a corner will be filled with arc segments with tangent (G1) continuity.
  • Smooth The corners of the offset curves will be filled with a straight line between their endpoints.
  • Chamfer The corners of the offset curves will be filled with a straight line between their endpoints.
  • None Leaves the gaps open between offset curve segments.

Specifies whether the intersected curve segments will be trimmed to the corners. No creates self-intersected curves.

Offsets through a picked point instead of at a distance. No creates self-intersected curves.

Sets the tolerance for the offset curve. Type 0 to use the default system tolerance.

Offsets the curve on both sides of the input curve.

The curve is offset in the plane of the original curve. This option offsets the curve in the plane of the current construction plane instead.

Closes the gap at the curve ends.

  • None No closing segments are added. The offset curve goes on the current layer.
  • Flat Straight-line segments are added between the curves and joined. The object goes the same layer as the original.
  • Round Tangent arcs are added between the curves and joined. The object goes the same layer as the original.

Closes the gap at the curve ends.

  • Current Place the results on the current layer.
  • Input Straight-line segments are added between the curves and joined. The object goes the same layer as the original.
  • Round Place the results on the same layer as the input objects.