
Where can I find this command?
Extend curve left click

The Extend command lengthens or shortens a curve.

Extend curves


  1. Select a boundary object, type a length, or press Enter to extend without boundary edges.
  2. Select a curve or an surface edge near the end. The extension will be automatically joined with the original curve.
    To extend to multiple objects, pick the end of the curve again to extend the curve beyond the first boundary to the next.
  3. Pick the end of the extension or type a length.
Extend curve
Extend curve

Command-line options

Sets the continuity for the match.

  • Natural
    Lines, polylines, and polycurves with a line at the end to extend are extended by line.
    Arcs and polycurves with arc at the end to extend are extended by same radius arc.
    Other curves are extended smooth.
  • Line Makes a line extension tangent to the original curve.
  • Arc Makes an arc extension tangent to the original curve
    • Center Extends a curve with an arc by picking the arc's center and endpoint.
    • ToPoint Extends a curve with an arc by picking the arc's endpoint.
  • Smooth
    Makes a smooth curve extension curvature continuous with the original curve
    • ToPoint Extends a curve with an arc by picking the arc's endpoint.

Reverses the last action.