
Where can I find this command?
Arc left click

The Arc command draws an arc with options for a center location, one end point, and a second end point or an angle.

Insert an arc


  1. Pick the center of the arc's radius.
  2. Pick the arc's first endpoint. This point is also the arc's start point.
  3. Pick the arc's second end point, or type an angle.

Command-line options

Draws an arc starting from the center of the arc's radius.

  • Tilted
    Draws an arc whose plane is tilted from the current construction plane.
    • Length: Sets the arc length as measured along the arc. Type a positive or negative number, or pick two points to specify the arc curve's length.
    • Midpoint: Draws an arc from its midpoint.

The Deformable option draws a NURBS approximation of the arc with a specified degree and number of control points.

  • Degree Specifies the degree of the arc. When drawing a high-degree arc, the output curve will not be the degree you request unless there is at least one more control point than the degree.
  • PointCount Specifies the number of control points.

Draws an arc starting from the first end of the arc.

  • Direction Specifies the direction of a line tangent to the arc's start point.
  • ThroughPoint Specifies a location the arc curve must pass through.
  • Center Specifies a center point for the arc's radius.

The Tangent option draws an arc tangent to selected curves with options to pick a point not on the selected curves or to specify a radius. Each prompt allows you to pick a point that is not on a curve for the arc to pass through. At some prompts, the option to enter a radius appears.

  • Point The Point tangent option appears for each prompt. It releases the command from the tangent constraint for that pick.
  • FromFirstPoint Forces the arc to go through the first picked point on the curve instead of allowing the point to slide along the curve.

Extends a curve with an arc to a specified end point.

  • Center Extends a curve with an arc by from a specified center and end point.