Fences List

Where can I find this command?
Fence List left click
RhinoLands Toolbar:
Lands Design Toolbar:
Listing commands
Or, Menu > Documentation > List > Fence list

The laListFences command inserts a 2D table displaying the information of the existing Fences in the model.

The features of fence lists are the same as the rest of listing object tools.

Fences List
Fence list

Options and parameters

The options and parameters for Fence lists are the same as those for the Listing Tools, with the exception of the Element (Fence) List tab.

Fence list

These are the default fields for the fence list object, available under the Element (Fence) list tab:

Fence List tab
Fence list tab
  • Sample icon: Drawing of the listed fence element. You can edit the scale value to control the icon size.
  • Index: Fence identifier (ID). The Id value is assigned by default
  • Name: Name given to the fence.
  • Width: Width dimension.
  • Depth: Depth dimension.
  • Height: Height dimension.
  • Layer: Layer of the project where the fence is located.
  • Amount: Number of the elements in the drawing corresponding to the each Post or Baluster.
  • Price: Field for the product price.
  • Supplier: Field for the product supplier.